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Social Sciences eGiving

Social Sciences eGiving

To support revenue and expenses related to donations from eGiving to the School of Social Sciences.
Social Sciences Annual Giving

Social Sciences Annual Giving

To support the areas of greatest need in the School of Social Sciences.
Social Sciences - Dean's Excellence Fund

Social Sciences – Dean’s Excellence Fund

To support the highest priority needs as determined by the dean of the School of Social Sciences.
Department of Political Science

Department of Political Science

To support the Department of Political Science within the School of Social Sciences.
Money, Technology & Financial Inclusion

Money, Technology & Financial Inclusion

To support research and programming within the Institute for Money, Technology and Financial Inclusion.
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences

Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences

To support research and programming within the Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences in the School of Social Sciences.
LPS Kent Johnson Memorial Fund

LPS Kent Johnson Memorial Fund

To fulfill the needs of the Department of Logic and Philosophy of Sciences.


To support UCI’s Jumpstart Chapter, which is focused on language and literary skills development in the community.
Home-Based Activities Building Language Acquisition

Home-Based Activities Building Language Acquisition

To support the Home-Based Activities Building Language Acquisition, which is a broad-spectrum Latino-focused education outreach program aimed at increasing the school readiness of disadvantaged children aged 2 to 4 years.
Global Peace and Conflict Studies

Global Peace and Conflict Studies

To achieve the Center for Global and Conflict Studies’ goal of global peace.
Global Connect Scholarships

Global Connect Scholarships

To enrich California’s secondary school curriculum through the Global Connect Scholarship award.
Economics Student Awards for Excellence

Economics Student Awards for Excellence

To provide undergraduate, graduate and research student awards within the Department of Economics.
Department of Economics

Department of Economics

To support the Department of Economics within the School of Social Sciences.
Economic Self-Sufficiency Policy Research Institute

Economic Self-Sufficiency Policy Research Institute

To support programming and activities within the Economic Self-Sufficiency Policy Research Institute.
Dr. Sheen T. Kassouf Economics Fellowships

Dr. Sheen T. Kassouf Economics Fellowships

To promote graduate student success and achievement; the fellowship recipients will be graduate students in an area of economics.
Demographic and Social Analysis

Demographic and Social Analysis

To support the Demographic and Social Analysis program at UCI.
Cognitive Sciences Research

Cognitive Sciences Research

To support research within the Department of Cognitive Sciences.
School of Social Sciences Dean's Leadership Society

School of Social Sciences Dean’s Leadership Society

To support the highest priority needs within the School of Social Sciences, such as scholarships, research projects, faculty recruitment and retention, as determined by the dean.
David Rosten Dean's Scholarship

David Rosten Dean’s Scholarship

To recognize and promote student academic success, enhanced progress and achievement in leadership and service in the School of Social Sciences.
Department of Chicano & Latino Studies

Department of Chicano & Latino Studies

To support the Department of Chicano and Latino Studies.
Charles A. Lave Paper Prize

Charles A. Lave Paper Prize

To award a paper prize to a student for the most creative modelling in the School of Social Sciences.
Center for the Study of Democracy

Center for the Study of Democracy

To advance research and teaching at the Center for the Study of Democracy.
Center for Citizen Peacebuilding

Center for Citizen Peacebuilding

To further research, education and advocacy initatives about public peace processes in the Center for Citizen Peacebuilding at UCI.
Center for Asian Studies

Center for Asian Studies

To support the Center for Asian Studies.
Caesar D. Sereseres SAEP Student Award

Caesar D. Sereseres SAEP Student Award

To provide opportunities for undergraduate or graduate students to study abroad, participate in the UC/DC program and perform research.
Blockchain at UCI

Blockchain at UCI

To support blockchain education, development and networking at UCI and surrounding areas.


To support the Department of Anthropology in the School of Social Sciences.
Alison Clarke-Stewart Dissertation Research Award

Alison Clarke-Stewart Dissertation Research Award

To honor the memory of Professor Alison Clarke-Stewart while assisting stellar students complete their dissertation research.
Water UCI

Water UCI

To advance programmatic, research and other activities as determined by the center director.
Urban and Regional Planning

Urban and Regional Planning

To support the programming and activities within the Planning Policy and Design department, including awarding scholarships and fellowships to exceptional undergraduate and graduate students.
Social Ecology Field Study Program

Social Ecology Field Study Program

To support the Field Study Program.
Social Ecology Dean's Award for Community Engagement

Social Ecology Dean’s Award for Community Engagement

To support undergraduate and or graduate students who are engaged in community service outstide the UCI campus community and demonstrate academic excellence.
Social Ecology Annual Giving

Social Ecology Annual Giving

To support the areas of greatest need for the School of Social Ecology as determined by the dean.
Social Ecology - Dean's Excellence Fund

Social Ecology – Dean’s Excellence Fund

To support the School of Social Ecology’s highest priorities as determined by the dean.
Urban Planning & Public Policy Student Award Fund

Urban Planning & Public Policy Student Award Fund

To support the Urban Planning & Public Policy Student Award. The money raised will be matched by the Dean, up to $2,500, from the School’s Annual Fund.
Newkirk Center For Science & Society

Newkirk Center For Science & Society

To support all programming and activities within the Newkirk Center for Science & Society.
National Registry of Exonerations Fund for Excellence

National Registry of Exonerations Fund for Excellence

To elevate the National Registry of Exonerations program under the direction of Newkirk Center for Science & Society.
Metropolitan Futures Initiative

Metropolitan Futures Initiative

To support all programming and activities related to the Metropolitan Futures Initiative program.
Community Outreach Partnership Program

Community Outreach Partnership Program

To support programming and activities of the Community Outreach Partnership Program.
CLS Peer Mentoring Award

CLS Peer Mentoring Award

To support the Criminology, Law and Society Peer Mentoring Award.
Interdisciplinary Salivary Bioscience Research Opportunity Fund

Interdisciplinary Salivary Bioscience Research Opportunity Fund

To advance interdisciplinary salivary bioscience research.
Center for Psychology and Law

Center for Psychology and Law

To support the Center for Psychology and Law.
Carol Kupers Whalen Fund

Carol Kupers Whalen Fund

To support new faculty research projects as well as graduate and undergraduate students.
UCI Observatory

UCI Observatory

To support all programming and activities of the UCI Observatory.


To advance the efforts of the UCI Math Community Educational Outreach program, promoting exploration in math by offering fun, challenging, after-school math enrichment programs and curriculum.
Smitrovich Prize

Smitrovich Prize

To support a talented graduate student researcher who has also contributed service.
Ralph J. and Carol M. Cicerone Chair in Earth System Science Fellowship

Ralph J. and Carol M. Cicerone Chair in Earth System Science Fellowship

To recruit highly qualified incoming graduate students, at the discretion of the Ralph J. and Carol M. Cicerone Chair in Earth System chair holder.
Ralph J. and Carol M. Cicerone Chair in Earth System Science

Ralph J. and Carol M. Cicerone Chair in Earth System Science

To support the teaching, research and service activities of the Ralph J. and Carol M. Cicerone Chair in Earth System chair holder.
Physics & Astronomy Fellowships

Physics & Astronomy Fellowships

To recognize and promote excellence among graduate students in the Department of Physics & Astronomy; fellowships will be awarded as determined by the chair.
Physical Sciences Memorial Fund

Physical Sciences Memorial Fund

To support revenue and expenses received from donations received in memory.