To support student team engineering activities which involve design, construction and testing, such as Senior Design Projects, at the Henry Samueli School of Engineering.
To provide undergraduate student support for underrepresented students majoring in engineering, as well as expenses for operational program support for the Office of Access and Inclusion in Engineering.
To support a scholarship for a junior or senior chemical, mechanical or biological engineer who is in good standing, has financial need and is possibly involved in a UCI club.
To support the Donald R. & Joan F. Beall Center for Arts and Technology’s programs, lectures, exhibitions, receptions and other areas designated by the dean.
To accelerate life-changing discoveries and technologies from the laboratory benchtop to the patient bedside at the Beckman Laser Institute & Medical Clinic.
To further research at the Center for Embedded Computer Systems, including supporting the development, marketing, materials, programs, supplies, equipment, travel, entertainment and staff.