Search Results for: Pediatrics

Summer Premed Program

Summer Premed Program

To inspire high school students to pursue fulfilling careers in medicine through the Department of Pediatrics’ Summer Premed Program.
Spooner Fund for NUPBL Disease Research

Spooner Fund for NUPBL Disease Research

To advance promising research in NUPBL disease, a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects children, in the Department of Pediatrics, currently under the direction of Dr. Virginia Kimonis.
Pediatric Chairman's Fund

Pediatric Chairman’s Fund

To support programming and activities within the Department of Pediatrics to be used as determined by the department chair.
IBMPFD Myopathy Paget & Dementia Research

IBMPFD Myopathy Paget & Dementia Research

To support research in the areas of myopathy, paget and dementia in UCI’s Department of Pediatrics.
Dorothy Waffarn Memorial Fund

Dorothy Waffarn Memorial Fund

To support the highest priorities of the Department of Pediatrics, as determined by the department chair and the dean of the School of Medicine.