COVID-19 Research Innovation Fund

COVID-19 Research Innovation Fund

To accelerate research efforts to develop diagnostic tests and vaccines for COVID-19, among other related high-impact work.
COVID-19 Patient Care and Healthcare Workforce Fund

COVID-19 Patient Care and Healthcare Workforce Fund

To expand UCI Health’s capacity to test, treat and house patients with COVID-19.
Pandemic Research

Pandemic Research

To encourage collaborative research across disciplines to develop novel devices and effective treatments to mitigate COVID-19 and potential future pandemics.
Social Sciences Prison Pandemic

Social Sciences Prison Pandemic

To support the UCI Prison Pandemic, a project created to bring greater transparency to the COVID-19 crisis in prisons.
UCI Emergency Response Fund

UCI Emergency Response Fund

To provide UCI with the flexibility to respond quickly to the most pressing and emerging needs, such as student support, research and patient care.
Center for Virus Research

Center for Virus Research

To advance collaborative research on current and emerging viral threats to humankind.