To provide high-quality healthcare to underserved populations and to, through work with local schools, introduce students to integrative health at an early age.
To support all related revenue and expenditures for an annual conference and various lectures during the year for the Paul Merage School of Business Healthcare Management programs.
To elevate the research, education, innovation and growth of the Department of Urology as it relates to the clinical, research and teaching missions for the Men’s Health subspecialty.
To further faculty, staff and research projects focused on studying the effects of diet, physical activity and other lifestyle factors for the improved health and well-being of the community.
To assist with the program and activities of the School of Physical Sciences’ EarthRise, which may include support towards the five themes of climate, health, energy, lift-off, and beyond.
To support graduate student awards for students who are pursuing their PhD in Epidemiology, PhD in Public Health, or Masters in Public Health and who has demonstrated the ability to
To provide an award/funds for medical students to travel and participate in a program that would enhance their medical school experience. Fund set to reinvest until $50,000 is met and
To encourage collaborative research across disciplines to develop novel devices and effective treatments to mitigate COVID-19 and potential future pandemics.
To support accredited curricula and educational programs, research, visiting and post-doctoral scholars, travel, staff and other programming related to furthering the understanding and practice of personal transformation in a pro-social
To help construct a state-of-the-art healthcare facility, and bring premier-quality, leading-edge care to the coastal and southern regions of Orange County.
To support research, education and patient care by investing in game-changing programs designed to incorporate integrative nutrition and nutritional counseling into all aspects of the healthcare delivery system.