Search Results for: research

Psychology and Social Behavior Research and Conferences

Psychology and Social Behavior Research and Conferences

To support donations for research expenses for the Psychology & Social Behavior department. After all expenses are paid, balance will be applied towards fellowships or scholarships for the department.
Dr. Ahlering Endowed Research & Education Fund for Excellence Urologic Oncology

Dr. Ahlering Endowed Research & Education Fund for Excellence Urologic Oncology

To support research and education in urologic oncology within the Department of Urology.
Creating EdTech Research Ecosystem (CERES) Fund

Creating EdTech Research Ecosystem (CERES) Fund

To support the research related to the CERES project.
Center for Aging Research in Down Syndrome (CFAR-DS)

Center for Aging Research in Down Syndrome (CFAR-DS)

To support all research, outreach and educational efforts at the discretion of the CFAR-DS co-directors.
The Stephen Barker Arts Research Endowment

The Stephen Barker Arts Research Endowment

To support faculty and student arts research projects in the School at the discretion of the Dean and Associate Dean for Research and Innovation.
Colorectal Surgery Research & Education

Colorectal Surgery Research & Education

To support research projects or educational activities managed by the Division of Colorectal Surgery.
Anesthesiology & Perioperative Care Research

Anesthesiology & Perioperative Care Research

To support work and research currently being done under the direction of Dr. Ariana Nelson in Anesthesiology and Perioperative Care.
Center for Translational Vision Research

Center for Translational Vision Research

To provide unrestricted support to the Center for Transitional Vision Research.
Research Associates - Public Health

Research Associates – Public Health

Research Associates – Program in Public Health
Rosalva Gallardo Valencia Software Research Endowment

Rosalva Gallardo Valencia Software Research Endowment

To support for graduate student awards, with a preference given to students who specialize in software research.
Prostate Cancer and Minimally Invasive Surgery Research Fund

Prostate Cancer and Minimally Invasive Surgery Research Fund

Prostate Cancer and Minimally Invasive Surgery Research Fund – School of Medicine.
Alzheimer’s Disease Innovative Research Fund

Alzheimer’s Disease Innovative Research Fund

School of Biological Sciences – Alzheimer’s Disease Innovative Research Fund.
UCI MIND Research and Mentorship Program

UCI MIND Research and Mentorship Program

School of Biological Sciences – UCI MIND Research and Mentorship Program.
Pandemic Research

Pandemic Research

To encourage collaborative research across disciplines to develop novel devices and effective treatments to mitigate COVID-19 and potential future pandemics.
Research Associates - School of Nursing

Research Associates – School of Nursing

To provide an annual award to recognize school of nursing faculty in research.
COVID-19 Research Innovation Fund

COVID-19 Research Innovation Fund

To accelerate research efforts to develop diagnostic tests and vaccines for COVID-19, among other related high-impact work.
Social Sciences Faculty Research

Social Sciences Faculty Research

To further faculty research in the School of Social Sciences.
Economic Self-Sufficiency Policy Research Institute

Economic Self-Sufficiency Policy Research Institute

To support programming and activities within the Economic Self-Sufficiency Policy Research Institute.
Cognitive Sciences Research

Cognitive Sciences Research

To support research within the Department of Cognitive Sciences.
Alison Clarke-Stewart Dissertation Research Award

Alison Clarke-Stewart Dissertation Research Award

To honor the memory of Professor Alison Clarke-Stewart while assisting stellar students complete their dissertation research.
Interdisciplinary Salivary Bioscience Research Opportunity Fund

Interdisciplinary Salivary Bioscience Research Opportunity Fund

To advance interdisciplinary salivary bioscience research.
Women's Cancer Research

Women’s Cancer Research

To forward research for early detection and education about the signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer.
van den Noort Research Endowment

van den Noort Research Endowment

To provide a research fellowship to an outstanding neurologist who has completed or is in the process of completing a Neurology residency.
Urology Research

Urology Research

To support world-class research in the Department of Urology.
Urologic Oncology Research & Education

Urologic Oncology Research & Education

To elevate research and education in the field of Urologic Oncology in the Department of Urology.
Urologic Diseases Research and Education

Urologic Diseases Research and Education

To support urologic research, academic activities and education projects.
Urologic and Retroperitoneal Cancer Research Fund

Urologic and Retroperitoneal Cancer Research Fund

To support research in the area of urologic and retroperitoneal cancer research in the Department of Urology.
Terri M. Fraser Endowed Fund for Glioblastoma Research

Terri M. Fraser Endowed Fund for Glioblastoma Research

To forward glioblastoma research in neuro-oncology in the Department of Neurology currently being conducted by Dr. Daniela Bota.
Stroke Research and Education

Stroke Research and Education

To support stroke research and education.
Steinert Glioblastoma Research

Steinert Glioblastoma Research

To support glioblastoma research.
Spooner Fund for NUPBL Disease Research

Spooner Fund for NUPBL Disease Research

To advance promising research in NUPBL disease, a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects children, in the Department of Pediatrics, currently under the direction of Dr. Virginia Kimonis.
Spinal Cord Injury Research

Spinal Cord Injury Research

To support spinal cord injury research in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery.
Shawn and Marci Miller Cancer Research Fund

Shawn and Marci Miller Cancer Research Fund

To support cancer research under the direction of the chief of surgical oncology.
Research Associates

Research Associates

To support the Annual Achievement Award for the School of Medicine faculty.
Pediatric Urology Research

Pediatric Urology Research

To support pediatric urology translational research efforts.
Pediatric Exercise Research and Genomics Center

Pediatric Exercise Research and Genomics Center

To support the activities and programming at the Pediatric Exercise and Genomics Research Center.
Parkinson's Disease and Related Neurological Diseases Research

Parkinson’s Disease and Related Neurological Diseases Research

To support Parkinson’s disease and related neurological diseases research and programming.
Parkinson's Disease Research

Parkinson’s Disease Research

To further Parkinson’s disease research.
Pancreatic Cancer Research

Pancreatic Cancer Research

To advance world-class pancreatic cancer research.
Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery Research

Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery Research

To further research endeavors within the Department of Otolaryngology.
Orthopaedic Research and Education

Orthopaedic Research and Education

To elevate orthopedic research and education.
Ophthalmology Research

Ophthalmology Research

To advance research at the Department of Ophthalmology.
Obstetrics & Gynecology Oncological  Research

Obstetrics & Gynecology Oncological Research

To support gynecologic oncology research currently being done by Dr Philip J. DiSaia or a current researcher.
Non-Smoking Lung Cancer Research

Non-Smoking Lung Cancer Research

To support non-smoking lung cancer research by Dr. Ou or the current researcher.
Neuro-Trauma Research

Neuro-Trauma Research

To support research and education being conducted in neuro-trauma.
Neuromuscular Research

Neuromuscular Research

To advance leading-edge research by Dr. Mozaffar or the current chair.
Neurological Tumor Research and Education

Neurological Tumor Research and Education

To support research and education being conducted in neurological tumors.
Nephrology and Dialysis Research

Nephrology and Dialysis Research

To elevate research efforts in nephrology and dialysis.
Multiple Sclerosis Research

Multiple Sclerosis Research

To support teaching, research, clincial care, faculty and staff recruitment and equipment for Multiple Sclerosis and other related neurological diseases.
Melanoma Research

Melanoma Research

To support world-class melanoma research at UCI.