Search Results for: school of education

School of Education Teacher Academy

School of Education Teacher Academy

To support all teachers throughout the entire educator lifecycle from aspiring teachers to senior administrators by offering programs to help enhance their professional practice and development.
School of Education Scholarships and Graduate Fellowships

School of Education Scholarships and Graduate Fellowships

To recognize outstanding undergraduate and graduate students in the School of Education.
School of Education - Dean's Excellence Fund

School of Education – Dean’s Excellence Fund

To support the areas of greatest interest as determined by the dean within the School of Education.
School of Education Community Partnerships

School of Education Community Partnerships

To enhance and expand the School of Education’s partnerships with the community.
Medical Education Building Student Enhancements

Medical Education Building Student Enhancements

To support enhancements to the Medical Education Building as suggested by students and faculty, with approval from the Dean of the School of Medicine.
School of Medicine Student Emergency Fund

School of Medicine Student Emergency Fund

To cover any unplanned needs that can interrupt medical students’ educational progress. Funds will be used at leadership’s discretion and within UC Irvine policy to support short-term financial hardship.
School of Nursing Emergency Student Fund

School of Nursing Emergency Student Fund

To support student’s urgent financial needs that place them at risk for disenrollment.
Medical Education LEAD-ABC

Medical Education LEAD-ABC

To support operational, programmatic, and scholarship activities in the Leadership Education to Advance Diversity – African, Black, and Caribbean (LEAD-ABC) program within the School of Medicine.
Research Associates - School of Nursing

Research Associates – School of Nursing

To provide an annual award to recognize school of nursing faculty in research.
Claire Trevor School of the Arts Restricted Fund

Claire Trevor School of the Arts Restricted Fund

To support the Claire Trevor School of the Arts.
School of Medicine Graduate Studies

School of Medicine Graduate Studies

To support graduate students in the School of Medicine.
Medical Education Simulation Center and Support

Medical Education Simulation Center and Support

To advance medical school simulation through new equipment, supplies and educational tools.
Child Development School General Account

Child Development School General Account

To help the Child Development School offer a unique, classroom-based program for children with ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, oppositional defiant disorder and other neuro-developmental conditions.
Center for Real Estate in the Paul Merage School of Business

Center for Real Estate in the Paul Merage School of Business

To support education, academic research and meaningful industry outreach taking place at UCI’s Center for Real Estate.
School of the Arts - Studio Art

School of the Arts – Studio Art

To support various programming and activities of the Department of Art.
School of the Arts - Music

School of the Arts – Music

To support various programming and activities of the Department of Music.
School of the Arts - Dance

School of the Arts – Dance

To support various programming and activities of the Department of Dance.
Claire Trevor School of the Arts Creative Connections

Claire Trevor School of the Arts Creative Connections

To help fill the arts gap in Orange County schools, which may offer little or no arts education programs, by providing curriculum-based arts programs to K-12 students.
Vandell Endowment

Vandell Endowment

To support doctoral student researchers in the School of Education.
Michael E. Martinez Memorial Endowment

Michael E. Martinez Memorial Endowment

To recognize and support an outstanding graduate student pursuing research in the School of Education in memory of Dr. Michael Martinez.
International Business Scholarship

International Business Scholarship

To help create a pathway for students to participate in immersive education and research experiences that expose them to global careers.
UC Irvine Brain Initiative

UC Irvine Brain Initiative

To support cutting-edge advances in brain research and technology development at the Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory.
Arts Launch Internship Program

Arts Launch Internship Program

To support internship and professional development programs for students within the Claire Trevor School of the Arts.
Founding Dean Adey Nyamathi PhD Endowment

Founding Dean Adey Nyamathi PhD Endowment

To provide PhD scholarships in the School.
Center for Aging Research in Down Syndrome (CFAR-DS)

Center for Aging Research in Down Syndrome (CFAR-DS)

To support all research, outreach and educational efforts at the discretion of the CFAR-DS co-directors.
Diane Drake Nursing Endowment

Diane Drake Nursing Endowment

To support Ph.D. students in the Sue & Bill Gross School of Nursing.
Mary Hannacker Endowed Scholarship Award

Mary Hannacker Endowed Scholarship Award

To support undergraduate B.S. students in the Sue & Bill Gross School of Nursing.
Felix Schwarz Nursing Science Student Award

Felix Schwarz Nursing Science Student Award

To support undergraduate B.S. students in the Sue & Bill Gross School of Nursing.
Elizabeth C. Tierney Nursing Endowed Scholarship

Elizabeth C. Tierney Nursing Endowed Scholarship

To support undergraduate B.S. students in the Sue & Bill Gross School of Nursing.
Ellen Lewis Nursing Leadership Endowment

Ellen Lewis Nursing Leadership Endowment

To support undergraduate B.S. students in the Sue & Bill Gross School of Nursing.
Ellen Olshansky Founding Director Endowment

Ellen Olshansky Founding Director Endowment

To support Ph.D. students in the Sue & Bill Gross School of Nursing.
Spangenberg Scholars for Global Leadership Endowed Fund

Spangenberg Scholars for Global Leadership Endowed Fund

To support undergraduate student awards for international education.
Modern Dance Commissioning and Fellowship

Modern Dance Commissioning and Fellowship

To support all revenue and expenses related to the Modern Dance Program though commissioning shows, fellowships, and guest artists. (School to notify us when the fund meets the required minimum
Beall Center for Arts & Tech

Beall Center for Arts & Tech

At the discretion of the dean of the school, fund will be used to support the center, including, but not limited to center’s programs, lectures, exhibitions & receptions.
World Institute for Sustainable Development of Materials

World Institute for Sustainable Development of Materials

To advance interdisciplinary research and education around sustainable development of materials
Home-Based Activities Building Language Acquisition

Home-Based Activities Building Language Acquisition

To support the Home-Based Activities Building Language Acquisition, which is a broad-spectrum Latino-focused education outreach program aimed at increasing the school readiness of disadvantaged children aged 2 to 4 years.
Global Connect Scholarships

Global Connect Scholarships

To enrich California’s secondary school curriculum through the Global Connect Scholarship award.
Charles A. Lave Paper Prize

Charles A. Lave Paper Prize

To award a paper prize to a student for the most creative modelling in the School of Social Sciences.


To advance the efforts of the UCI Math Community Educational Outreach program, promoting exploration in math by offering fun, challenging, after-school math enrichment programs and curriculum.
Summer Premed Program

Summer Premed Program

To inspire high school students to pursue fulfilling careers in medicine through the Department of Pediatrics’ Summer Premed Program.
Medical Initiative Against Homelessness

Medical Initiative Against Homelessness

To support Medical Initiative Against Homelessness, a student group at the School of Medicine that is focused on addressing public health and medical issues within the community.
Urology Department Community Outreach Programs

Urology Department Community Outreach Programs

To support urology high school, middle school, undergraduate outreach programs, in addition to any other outreach programs or events offered by the urology department to the community.
UCI Saturday Academy of Law

UCI Saturday Academy of Law

To help 9th grade students in the community develop the skills they need to successfully pursue higher education and a potential career in the law.
UCI History Project

UCI History Project

To support the History Project in the Department of History, to be used at the director’s discretion.
Nursing Science - Fund for Excellence

Nursing Science – Fund for Excellence

To help the Sue & Bill Gross School of Nursing prepare the next generation of nurses through high-quality education, scholarly research and evidence-based practice.
Financial Literacy Summer Residential Program

Financial Literacy Summer Residential Program

To support teaching life skills in money and investment management in a highly supportive environment to underserved 8th and 9th grade students.
Endowed LIFEvest Financial Literacy Program

Endowed LIFEvest Financial Literacy Program

To assist underserved, first-generation 9th and 10th grade students from Orange County obtain critical financial literacy and prepare for college.
Center for Global Leadership & Sustainability

Center for Global Leadership & Sustainability

To help the Center for Global Leadership & Sustainability promote international interactions among faculty, students, and executives that lead to the invention of sustainable educational and commercial opportunities.
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering

Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering

To provide students with broad educational and exciting research opportunities in the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering.