Give to Claire Trevor School of the Arts

School of the Arts – Studio Art

To fund scholarships, education, programs and outreach for the Department of Studio Art.

School of the Arts – Dance

To support the Department of Dance within the Claire Trevor School of the Arts.

Theatre Guild

To enhance and enrich our educational theatre programming within the Department of Drama.

School of the Arts – Music

To support various programming and activities of the Department of Music.

Claire Trevor School of the Arts - Dean's Excellence Fund

Claire Trevor School of the Arts – Dean’s Excellence Fund

To support the dean’s initiatives and areas of greatest need within the Claire Trevor School of the Arts.
Medici Circle Scholarships

Medici Circle Scholarships

To support unique and incredible professional-level learning opportunities for Claire Trevor School of the Arts students.
Donald R. & Joan F. Beall Center for Arts and Technology

Donald R. & Joan F. Beall Center for Arts and Technology

To support the Donald R. & Joan F. Beall Center for Arts and Technology’s programs, lectures, exhibitions, receptions and other areas designated by the dean.
Claire Trevor School of the Arts Creative Connections

Claire Trevor School of the Arts Creative Connections

To help fill the arts gap in Orange County schools, which may offer little or no arts education programs, by providing curriculum-based arts programs to K-12 students.
New Swan Shakespeare Festival

New Swan Shakespeare Festival

To elevate the productions, seminar series, outreach, education and other programming for the New Swan Theatre.
Friends of the UCI Symphony

Friends of the UCI Symphony

To support the UCI Symphony Orchestra, including production, travel, lectures and receptions.
Opera Guild

Opera Guild

To support the production, travel, lectures and receptions of opera at the discretion of vocal arts faculty in UCI’s Department of Music.
Concert Choir

Concert Choir

Claire Trevor School of the Arts – Concert Choir
Claire Trevor School of the Arts - Dean's Scholarship Fund

Claire Trevor School of the Arts – Dean’s Scholarship Fund

To support professional-level learning opportunities for Claire Trevor School of the Arts majors.
Music Department Scholarships

Music Department Scholarships

To provide scholarships to undergraduate students in the Department of Music.
Donald McKayle Endowment for Dance

Donald McKayle Endowment for Dance

To support modern dance productions, scholarships and fellowships.
Robert & Lorna Cohen Endowment for Excellence in Drama

Robert & Lorna Cohen Endowment for Excellence in Drama

To elevate and enhance all programming and activities of the Department of Drama, including bringing in artists and scholars, publicizing drama programs and launching new programs and initiatives.
The Stephen Barker Arts Research Endowment

The Stephen Barker Arts Research Endowment

To support faculty and student arts research projects in the School at the discretion of the Dean and Associate Dean for Research and Innovation.
David C. Leidal Scholarship

David C. Leidal Scholarship

Pledge to establish a memorial endowment in music, the specific project to be determined when the pledge is fulfilled.
Jean H. Aldrich Fund for Music

Jean H. Aldrich Fund for Music

To help maintain the musical instruments within the Department of Music at the discretion of the department chair.
Modern Dance Commissioning and Fellowship

Modern Dance Commissioning and Fellowship

To support all revenue and expenses related to the Modern Dance Program though commissioning shows, fellowships, and guest artists. (School to notify us when the fund meets the required minimum
Excellence in Music Performance Endowment

Excellence in Music Performance Endowment

To expand and elevate music performance for students and faculty.