Give to the Joe C. Wen School of Population & Public Health

Public Health - Dean’s Fund for Excellence

To support the mission of the Joe C. Wen School of Population & Public Health toward implementing excellent research, instruction, and community service.

Public Health Emergency Student Fund

To support student’s urgent financial needs that place them at risk for disenrollment.

Research Associates – Public Health

To provide an annual award to recognize Joe C. Wen School of Population & Public Health in research.

Public Health Student Award Fund

To provide awards to undergraduate and graduate students in the Joe C. Wen School of Population & Public Health.

Katherine and Robert Phalen Endowment

To support PhD student annually who demonstrates financial need and whose current laboratory research shows future promise for preventing, treating, or understanding human disease.

Katelyn Chandler Corey Davis Memorial Endowment

To support graduate student awards for students who are pursuing their PhD in Epidemiology, PhD in Public Health, or Masters in Public Health and who has demonstrated the ability to overcome a significant hardship.