Give to UCI - School of Medicine

Medical Education PRIME LC

To support Medical Education to be used for either PRIME LC or other medical education needs.

Medical Education LEAD-ABC

To support operational, programmatic, and scholarship activities in the Leadership Education to Advance Diversity – African, Black, and Caribbean (LEAD-ABC) program within the School of Medicine.

Medical Humanities Fund

To provide support for Medical Humanities as determined by the endowed chair in Medical Humanities.

Medical Education Scholarships

To support revenue and expenses related to the award of merit based scholarships for the department of Medical Education.

Anatomy General Fund

To support Anatomy General Fund.

Biological Chemistry Discretionary Fund

To elevate all activities and programming at the Department of Biological Chemistry.

Physiology & Biophysic’s Discretionary Fund

To further the physiology and biophysics efforts.

Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics

To support all activities and programming within the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics.

School of Medicine’s 1896 Society

To support the evolving needs and priorities within the School of Medicine as determined by the dean.

UC Irvine Fund

The UC Irvine Fund provides the university with the flexibility to support emerging needs and opportunities on campus.


Make a gift to the area most meaningful to you.