Precision Health through Directed AI

The new initiative for Precision Health through Directed AI will provide a UCI-wide platform of cross-disciplinary teams dedicated to solving specific health needs. Using new technologies, vast amounts of individual health data, and deep clinical and research expertise – all empowered by artificial intelligence – we can develop earlier and faster diagnoses and individualized treatments for a myriad of diseases, including cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.

Jennifer Smith
Senior Director of Development

Funding Priorities


Initial tools being made available to clinicians and patients will tackle immediate healthcare challenges, and investment will provide continued development that will change the healthcare landscape. Funding priorities in the clinical area include creating an endowment for a director or professor to lead this initiative, establishing a GPU infrastructure, and creating a fund for programmers and developers to run pilot projects.


We aim to carry out deep molecular analyses and machine learning to identify disease signatures that can inform aid in the development of patient-specific therapies in oncology and neurology. Funding priorities include endowed research funds and acquisition of equipment.


We aim to train the next leaders in health-directed AI. This will include creating and improving our teaching lab facilities, as well as creating a one-year M.D. fellowship certificate program, cross-disciplinary training courses for biologists, medical students, engineers and computer scientists, a grant program for M.D./Ph.D. and Ph.D. students, and a Ph.D. program in health-directed artificial intelligence.

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