Center for Health Care Management and Policy

Center for Health Care Management and Policy

To support all related revenue and expenditures for an annual conference and various lectures during the year for the Paul Merage School of Business Healthcare Management programs.
Graduate Division General Fellowship Fund

Graduate Division General Fellowship Fund

To provide graduate student fellowship support
World Institute for Sustainable Development of Materials

World Institute for Sustainable Development of Materials

To advance interdisciplinary research and education around sustainable development of materials
COVID-19 Research Innovation Fund

COVID-19 Research Innovation Fund

To accelerate research efforts to develop diagnostic tests and vaccines for COVID-19, among other related high-impact work.
COVID-19 Patient Care and Healthcare Workforce Fund

COVID-19 Patient Care and Healthcare Workforce Fund

To expand UCI Health’s capacity to test, treat and house patients with COVID-19.
UCI Emergency Response Fund

UCI Emergency Response Fund

To provide UCI with the flexibility to respond quickly to the most pressing and emerging needs, such as student support, research and patient care.
Center for Healthspan Sciences

Center for Healthspan Sciences

To support the Center for Healthspan Sciences.
UCI Accounting Programs Fund

UCI Accounting Programs Fund

To support all revenue and expenses related to operations, faculty research, and scholarships in the area of Accounting.
Joan Irvine Smith Memory Fund

Joan Irvine Smith Memory Fund

In honor of Joan Irvine Smith for the benefit of UCI Institute and Museum of California Art.
General Scholarship Fund

General Scholarship Fund

To contribute to one-time-only scholarships, including one-time named scholarships, that provide undergraduate student support.
UCI Stanley Behrens Foundation Endowed Scholarship Fund

UCI Stanley Behrens Foundation Endowed Scholarship Fund

To assist with the awarding of the UCI Stanley Behrens Foundation Scholarship.
Town & Gown Scholarship

Town & Gown Scholarship

To support students who have experienced a five year break in their educational careers.
The XIV Dalai Lama Endowed Scholarship Fund

The XIV Dalai Lama Endowed Scholarship Fund

To support a scholarship for U.S. and international UCI undergraduates who demonstrate leadership as it relates to ethics, peace and positive national and global relations.
The Lucky Money Fund in Memory of Charles R. Pieper

The Lucky Money Fund in Memory of Charles R. Pieper

To provide financial aid to economically disadvantaged students as determined by the Office of Financial Aid.
Student Support - Scholarships

Student Support – Scholarships

To help cover all expenses related to awarding undergraduate student scholarships.
Stanley Behrens Scholarship

Stanley Behrens Scholarship

To support annual scholarships for undergraduate students.
Robert Gentry Endowed Scholarship

Robert Gentry Endowed Scholarship

To provide financial assistance to parents and new students attending UCI’s Summer Orientation Programs.
Regents' Scholarships

Regents’ Scholarships

To provide financial support to undergraduate students designated as Regents’ Scholars.
School of Law Scholarship Pooled Endowment Fund

School of Law Scholarship Pooled Endowment Fund

To provide scholarships for students at the School of Law.
John Ichiro Yasuda Endowed Student Award

John Ichiro Yasuda Endowed Student Award

To support an annual student award to a UCI student with financial need in good academic standing and working on campus part-time in a computer programming or computer-related area.
Financial Aid Scholarships

Financial Aid Scholarships

To provide need-based financial support to undergraduate students.
Daniel G. and Jean Aldrich Endowed Scholarship

Daniel G. and Jean Aldrich Endowed Scholarship

To provide undergraduate student support to some of the most qualified students at UCI.
Chancellor's Excellence Scholarship

Chancellor’s Excellence Scholarship

To provide financial support to undergraduate students designated as Chancellor’s Excellence Scholars.
Bridging The Gap Military Student Scholarship

Bridging The Gap Military Student Scholarship

To help bridge the gap between the limits of G.I. benefits and the actual cost of a student veteran’s education.
UCI Regional Burn Center

UCI Regional Burn Center

To support all programming and activities of the UCI Regional Burn Center.
UC Irvine Health Annual Fund

UC Irvine Health Annual Fund

To support programming and activities in UCI Health as determined by the CEO or CFO for Health.
Patient Care

Patient Care

To fund much needed resources, programs, technologies and patient care activities at UCI Medical Center.
Nursing General

Nursing General

To support programming and activities, such as staff education, employee events and more, within the Department of Nursing.
Kirshbaum Farber Family Fund

Kirshbaum Farber Family Fund

To enhance the care provided to newborns in the UCI Medical Center nursery by the obstetrics nurses.


To support the UCI DREAMers program for emergency funds and scholarships for UCI DREAMer students.
UCI Basic Needs

UCI Basic Needs

To support UCI Basic Needs Center expenses for services such as pantry food, emergency meals swipes, and emergency grants.
Student Services Fund

Student Services Fund

To support programs, activities and centers to meet the academic, personal, social and career needs of students.
Sierra Program Support Fund

Sierra Program Support Fund

To provide resources to augment the Sierra experience through continued growth and enhancement of Sierra programs.
Military Student Program Fund

Military Student Program Fund

To benefit UCI student veterans through the programs of the UCI Veteran Services Office.
Manuel N. Gomez Scholarship

Manuel N. Gomez Scholarship

To support the Manuel Gomez Scholarship.
Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Resource Center

Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Resource Center

To advance programs for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Resource Center.
Department of Athletics

Department of Athletics

General support monies to be used at the discretion of UCI Athletics
Dr. Juan Francisco Lara Endowed Scholarship

Dr. Juan Francisco Lara Endowed Scholarship

To support the Juan Francisco Lara Scholarship.
Disability Services Scholarship

Disability Services Scholarship

To provide scholarships and support to students with disabilities.
Cross Cultural Center Support

Cross Cultural Center Support

To provide student-sponsored programs, events and scholarships for the Cross-Cultural Center.
Cross Cultural Center - Dr. Joseph White Lecture

Cross Cultural Center – Dr. Joseph White Lecture

To support the Cross Cultural Center, including student awards and an annual Dr. White lecture series.
Christien Rodriguez Memorial Fund

Christien Rodriguez Memorial Fund

To offer emergency funding for UCI students in good standing who are experiencing a financial crisis as a result of their sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.
Bob Ernst Endowment

Bob Ernst Endowment

To support the program needs of the UCI Men’s Crew Rowing, to be used as determined by the coach.
Wan-Lin Kiang Lecture Series Exchange in Chinese Studies

Wan-Lin Kiang Lecture Series Exchange in Chinese Studies

To support the Wan-Lin Kiang Endowed Lecture Series Exchange in Chinese Studies Program.
Undergraduate Award for Excellence

Undergraduate Award for Excellence

To offer scholarships that recognize Social Sciences undergraduate students who demonstrate academic excellence and promise as community leaders.
Summer Academic Enrichment Program

Summer Academic Enrichment Program

To support the Summer Academic Enrichment Program in the School of Social Sciences.
Department of Sociology

Department of Sociology

To support the Department of Sociology in the School of Social Sciences.
Social Sciences Student Awards

Social Sciences Student Awards

To provide opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students to participate in study abroad, participate in the UC/DC Program or perform in research.
Social Sciences Graduate Fellowships

Social Sciences Graduate Fellowships

To recognize and promote graduate student achievement and success in the School of Social Sciences.
Social Sciences Faculty Research

Social Sciences Faculty Research

To further faculty research in the School of Social Sciences.