

To support UC Irvine Alumni Association Reunions programming.

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Stacey Nicholas Office of Access and Inclusion in ICS

To provide support for the Stacey Nicholas Office of Outreach, Access, and Inclusion in UC Irvine Donald Bren School of Information & Computer Science and its various programs

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DREAM Center Excellence Fund

To Support the programs and services of the DREAM Center.

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EarthRise – School of Physical Sciences

To assist with the program and activities of the School of Physical Sciences’ EarthRise, which may include support towards the five themes of climate, health, energy, lift-off, and beyond.

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UCI Athletics Sports Performance Fund

To support holistic elite performance of athletes and teams.

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Humanities Global Learning Fund

To support student awards through the Global Learning Initiative within the School of Humanities, providing university-sponsored study abroad programs, language immersion, and research opportunities.

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Creating EdTech Research Ecosystem (CERES) Fund

To support the research related to the CERES project.

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Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Endowed Fellowship

To support graduate fellowships within the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.

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Sustainability Resource Center

To support student programs and trainings in climate resilience, environmental justice.

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The Stephen Barker Arts Research Endowment

To support faculty and student arts research projects in the School at the discretion of the Dean and Associate Dean for Research and Innovation.

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