Laurel Wilkening Endowed Scholarship

Academic Affairs – Laurel Wilkening Endowed Scholarship

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Sylvia Easton Memorial Scholarship

Academic Affairs -Sylvia Easton Memorial Scholarship

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DeRisio Memorial Endowment Scholarship

Academic Affairs – DeRisio Memorial Endowment Scholarship

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David C. Leidal Scholarship

Pledge to establish a memorial endowment in music, the specific project to be determined when the pledge is fulfilled.

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Claire Trevor School of the Arts Restricted Fund

To support the Claire Trevor School of the Arts.

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Modern Dance Commissioning and Fellowship

To support all revenue and expenses related to the Modern Dance Program though commissioning shows, fellowships, and guest artists. (School to notify us when the fund meets the required minimum for an endowment.)

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Beall Center for Arts & Tech

At the discretion of the dean of the school, fund will be used to support the center, including, but not limited to center’s programs, lectures, exhibitions & receptions.

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Theatre Guild

To enhance and enrich our educational theatre programming within the Department of Drama.

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Jean H. Aldrich Fund for Music

To help maintain the musical instruments within the Department of Music at the discretion of the department chair.

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School of the Arts – Music

To support various programming and activities of the Department of Music.

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