Social Ecology


To support UC Irvine Alumni Association Reunions programming.

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Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences Student Award Fund

To recognize and award fellowships to graduate students in the Pharm.D., Masters and Ph.D. programs.

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Stacey Nicholas Office of Access and Inclusion in ICS

To provide support for the Stacey Nicholas Office of Outreach, Access, and Inclusion in UC Irvine Donald Bren School of Information & Computer Science and its various programs

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EarthRise – School of Physical Sciences

To assist with the program and activities of the School of Physical Sciences’ EarthRise, which may include support towards the five themes of climate, health, energy, lift-off, and beyond.

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Creating EdTech Research Ecosystem (CERES) Fund

To support the research related to the CERES project.

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Livables Cities

Livables Cities – School of Social Ecology

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Blum Center – Living Peace Fund

To support accredited curricula and educational programs, research, visiting and post-doctoral scholars, travel, staff and other programming related to furthering the understanding and practice of personal transformation in a pro-social context

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MURP Alumni

MURP fellowships and program support as designated by a commttee of two MURP Alumni and two PPD faculty.

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Water UCI Fund for Excellence

To provide support for programmatic, research and other activities at the discretion of the center director.

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Alison Clarke-Stewart Dissertation Research Award

To honor the memory of Professor Alison Clarke-Stewart while assisting stellar students complete their dissertation research.

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