To help the Sue & Bill Gross School of Nursing prepare the next generation of nurses through high-quality education, scholarly research and evidence-based practice.
To help the Center for Global Leadership & Sustainability promote international interactions among faculty, students, and executives that lead to the invention of sustainable educational and commercial opportunities.
To help the Center for Digital Transformation generate and disseminate knowledge that helps businesses, governments and society leverage the possibilities enabled by emerging digital technologies.
To support the Beall Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship’s critical activities and personnel at the discretion of the dean; this includes faculty and staff recruitment, program development and research.
To support students of the CNLM, including training programs as well as awards given each year to support research and training of the next generation of neuroscientists.
To support the Director’s highest priority projects including purchase of new cutting edge equipment, funding innovative research projects and recruiting the world’s brightest neuroscientists.
To support various priorities including pursuing high-risk, high-reward research, purchasing or developing new state-of-the-art technologies, and supporting graduate student and post doctoral training.
To provide financial assistance to UCI staff members, at campus and UCI Medical Center, who are experiencing immediate and temporary financial situations due to an unforeseen event.
To enhance The Irvine Museum Collection activities, including maintaining the collection, advancing arts education and public engagement, and supporting UCI museum-affiliated faculty, staff, and students.
To advance Microbiome Initiative efforts in education, interdisciplinary research, lectures, graduate student fellowships, programs and community engagement.