
Campaign Leadership

Campaign Leadership It began with a dream. Our visionary founders looked out across the empty rolling hills of the Irvine Ranch and saw a great public research university, teaching California’s most promising students, driving economic growth and technical innovation, inspiring and leading the development of one of the most vibrant and thriving regions in the […]

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Advancing The American Dream

Advancing the American Dream UCI is the nation’s #1 university doing the most to advance upward mobility. Our undergraduate and graduate student body looks like few others: Exceptional for its multiple and varied dimensions of diversity. Exceptional for shared drive, talent and ambition. Exceptional for the range of perspectives that fuel every aspect of UCI’s […]

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Accelerating Impactful Research

Accelerating World-Changing Research UCI researchers are working on what matters to all of us: saving the planet; securing data privacy; solving the mysteries of the brain, learning and memory;  living longer, happier lives; and making our region one of the most prosperous, global innovation hubs. With UCI’s talent and enterprise adding billions to the economy, […]

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Exploring The Human Experience

Exploring the Human Experience UCI is deepening the world’s ongoing dialogue between human progress and what it means to be human. We conduct research that illuminates every aspect of the human experience in all its diversity, from the different languages we speak, to the cultures that shape us, to the histories and creative stories we […]

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Transforming Healthcare And Wellness

Transforming Healthcare and Wellness UCI is the place in America right now to pursue the most future-focused opportunities to improve human health and well-being. Beyond new cures, we are challenging the paradigm to create a sea change in healthcare: from episodic treatment of illness to dramatically enhancing well-being for life. With your partnership and leveraging […]

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