Arts Launch Internship Program

Arts Launch Internship Program

To support internship and professional development programs for students within the Claire Trevor School of the Arts.
Stephen Barkow Fellowship Endowment

Stephen Barkow Fellowship Endowment

To support fellowships for Merage School.
Willed Body Program

Willed Body Program

To support that Willed Body Program.
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Endowed Fellowship

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Endowed Fellowship

To support graduate fellowships within the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.
Founding Dean Adey Nyamathi PhD Endowment

Founding Dean Adey Nyamathi PhD Endowment

To provide PhD scholarships in the School.
Graduate Division DLC Endowment Fund

Graduate Division DLC Endowment Fund

To support graduate student fellowships at the dean’s discretion.
Center for Aging Research in Down Syndrome (CFAR-DS)

Center for Aging Research in Down Syndrome (CFAR-DS)

To support all research, outreach and educational efforts at the discretion of the CFAR-DS co-directors.
Katelyn Chandler Corey Davis Memorial Endowment

Katelyn Chandler Corey Davis Memorial Endowment

To support graduate student awards for students who are pursuing their PhD in Epidemiology, PhD in Public Health, or Masters in Public Health and who has demonstrated the ability to
Medical Education Scholarships

Medical Education Scholarships

To support revenue and expenses related to the award of merit based scholarships for the department of Medical Education.
Eater Nation Fund

Eater Nation Fund

General support monies to be used at the discretion of UCI Athletics
Linda Dempsay Women's Initiative

Linda Dempsay Women’s Initiative

To support our female student-athletes in honor of Linda Dempsay, UCI’s first female AD and NCAA Division I director of athletics in the history of collegiate athletics.
Latinx Resource Center Programs

Latinx Resource Center Programs

To provide program support for the UCI Latinx Resource Center.
The Stephen Barker Arts Research Endowment

The Stephen Barker Arts Research Endowment

To support faculty and student arts research projects in the School at the discretion of the Dean and Associate Dean for Research and Innovation.
Colorectal Surgery Research & Education

Colorectal Surgery Research & Education

To support research projects or educational activities managed by the Division of Colorectal Surgery.
UCI Esports

UCI Esports

To provide unrestricted department support for the UCI Esports.
Concert Choir

Concert Choir

Claire Trevor School of the Arts – Concert Choir
BPH & Voiding Dysfunction

BPH & Voiding Dysfunction

To support research in the area of benign prostatic hyperplasia & voiding dysfunction within the Department of Urology.
Leveraging Inspiring Futures Through Educational Degrees

Leveraging Inspiring Futures Through Educational Degrees

To support the Leveraging Inspiring Futures Through Educational Degrees (LIFTED) initiative, which enables incarcerated individuals to earn bachelor’s degrees from UCI. Funds will be used to provide educational materials needed
Katherine and Robert Phalen Endowment

Katherine and Robert Phalen Endowment

To support PhD student annually who demonstrates financial need and whose current laboratory research shows future promise for preventing, treating, or understanding human disease.
Public Health- Dean's Fund for Excellence

Public Health- Dean’s Fund for Excellence

To support the mission of the Program in Public Health toward implementing excellent research, instruction, and community service.
School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences Dean's Excellence Fund

School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences Dean’s Excellence Fund

To enhance the unparalleled training undergraduate and graduate students receive within the School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences.
PRIME-LC Dr. Alberto Manetta Service Award Endowment

PRIME-LC Dr. Alberto Manetta Service Award Endowment

To support the Program in Medical Education for the Latino Community (PRIME-LC) and the medical students in the program.
Alumni-Sponsored Travel Fund for Medical Students Endowment

Alumni-Sponsored Travel Fund for Medical Students Endowment

To provide an award/funds for medical students to travel and participate in a program that would enhance their medical school experience. Fund set to reinvest until $50,000 is met and
Environmental Education Initiative

Environmental Education Initiative

To provide support for environmental education initiatives.
UCI-OC Alliance

UCI-OC Alliance

To support the UCI-OC Alliance and provide scholarship funds to UCI students who have demonstrated a commitment to promoting a thriving Latinx/o/a community.
Dr. Philippe Relouzat Mathematics Endowment

Dr. Philippe Relouzat Mathematics Endowment

To provide support for Ph.D. students in the Department of Mathematics within the School.
Severe Ocular Surface Disease Program of Excellence

Severe Ocular Surface Disease Program of Excellence

To support the Severe Ocular Surface Disease Program of Excellence.
MD/MPH Scholarship Created by the UCI School of Medicine Class of 1972

MD/MPH Scholarship Created by the UCI School of Medicine Class of 1972

To provide scholarships for students in the School of Medicine.
School of Education Teacher Academy

School of Education Teacher Academy

To support all teachers throughout the entire educator lifecycle from aspiring teachers to senior administrators by offering programs to help enhance their professional practice and development.
Anesthesiology & Perioperative Care Research

Anesthesiology & Perioperative Care Research

To support work and research currently being done under the direction of Dr. Ariana Nelson in Anesthesiology and Perioperative Care.
School of Law Clinics Fund

School of Law Clinics Fund

To support and grow the School of Law’s experiential legal clinics.
Diane Drake Nursing Endowment

Diane Drake Nursing Endowment

To support Ph.D. students in the Sue & Bill Gross School of Nursing.
Mary Hannacker Endowed Scholarship Award

Mary Hannacker Endowed Scholarship Award

To support undergraduate B.S. students in the Sue & Bill Gross School of Nursing.
Felix Schwarz Nursing Science Student Award

Felix Schwarz Nursing Science Student Award

To support undergraduate B.S. students in the Sue & Bill Gross School of Nursing.
Elizabeth C. Tierney Nursing Endowed Scholarship

Elizabeth C. Tierney Nursing Endowed Scholarship

To support undergraduate B.S. students in the Sue & Bill Gross School of Nursing.
Ellen Lewis Nursing Leadership Endowment

Ellen Lewis Nursing Leadership Endowment

To support undergraduate B.S. students in the Sue & Bill Gross School of Nursing.
Ellen Olshansky Founding Director Endowment

Ellen Olshansky Founding Director Endowment

To support Ph.D. students in the Sue & Bill Gross School of Nursing.
Public Health Student Award Fund

Public Health Student Award Fund

To provide awards to undergraduate and graduate students in the Program in Public Health.
UCI Behrens Nursing Endowment Fund

UCI Behrens Nursing Endowment Fund

To support Ph.D. students who are two years into their program and involved in community-based studies.
Social Sciences Alumni Network

Social Sciences Alumni Network

Social Sciences Alumni Network funding will be used in support of programs through Social Sciences which the Dean has identified as immediate needs or a priority program.
Womxn's Center

Womxn’s Center

To provide operational, programmatic and resource funding to support Womxn’s Center for Success.
Public Health Emergency Student Fund

Public Health Emergency Student Fund

To support student’s urgent financial needs that place them at risk for disenrollment.
Center for Translational Vision Research

Center for Translational Vision Research

To provide unrestricted support to the Center for Transitional Vision Research.
Leopold Endowed Chair

Leopold Endowed Chair

To provide support for an endowed chair in ophthalmology research.
Sol Kimel Memorial Endowed Graduate Student Award

Sol Kimel Memorial Endowed Graduate Student Award

To support fellowships to graduate students working with a BLIMC faculty member and whose work is within the BLIMC building or affiliated BLIMC space.
School of Nursing Emergency Student Fund

School of Nursing Emergency Student Fund

To support student’s urgent financial needs that place them at risk for disenrollment.
UCI Solutions that Scale

UCI Solutions that Scale

To help create climate change solutions through academia and partnerships with policy makers and corporate industry.
Conte Center

Conte Center

To promote and support the study of how early life experience influences cognitive and emotional outcomes during adolescence.
Dr. Truc Q. Vu EECS Endowment

Dr. Truc Q. Vu EECS Endowment

Dr. Truc Q. Vu EECS Endowment